How to Give a Good French Kiss Your Partner Will Never Forget

Are you tired of plain, boring, and regular French kisses? Does it seem like your kissing experience is the same time after time? Well, it should not be. You may think that there is nothing else you can do, but there are a whole slew of tips and tricks that can turn any regular kiss into a good French kiss.
Most couples who have been together for a while fall into certain habits and patterns. Therefore, breaking out of your comfort zone is the only way to find new techniques and variations. You would be surprised to see that you and your partner may really enjoy something that you have not discovered yet. Stop being afraid, embarrassed, or scared, and live an adventurous life in the realm of kissing.
The biggest thing to making a good French kiss is experimentation. It is okay to try something new. Perhaps if you have always kissed slow all your life, try kissing fast for once. Vice versa, if you have been kissing fast all your life, then kiss slow for once. In addition, because the tongue is composed of many sensitive nerves, you can stimulate your tongue by feeling different areas of your partner's mouth, like the roof of the mouth or the bottom of the tongue.
Another folly that older couples fall into is apathy. They do not really care how they look in front of their partners. Although that is a good sign of self-esteem and true love, try changing things up a bit one day and actually take the time to look nice. Women should consider buying a new outfit that flatters their bodies or putting something on that they know their partners love on them. Men should take the time to shave and look nice and clean-cut.

Many studies that have recently been done point to the fact that scent and smell play a big role in the attraction process. Because of this fact, people should strive to smell good in order to attract their partner. If your partner is really attracted to you, then he or she will want to really kiss you. If you can ever remember a time that your boyfriend or girlfriend said he or she loved your perfume or cologne, then you should wear it again.
Another great pointer for men is to make sure to shave very well. Because men do not have to deal with kissing someone with stubble, they often forget this fact. The face in general is very sensitive and delicate. Therefore, when a man has stubble and kisses a girl, it rubs all over her face, causing her face to become irritated and red. There is nothing more distracting than pain while kissing.
If you incorporate each of these tips into your regular kissing routine, then you can turn your bland kisses into something extraordinary. However just be cautioned that although wearing some sort of fragrance is a good thing, do not overdo it by spraying too much perfume. This will only cause your lover to be too caught up in how strongly you smell instead of how the kisses feel good. Lauren_Worthington

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