Spring has arrived, and love is in the air! What better way to celebrate the change of seasons than to pay "lip service" to an affectionate ritual everyone loves? Few things are so simple yet oh so magical as kisses. They make our hearts flutter and our knees weak. We smooch to say hello and goodbye, as well as to celebrate the milestones in life. We pucker up to make out and make up. We seal things with kisses and even use them to make boo-boos better. Keep reading for more fun, lipsmacking trivia...and when finished, don't forget to lay a big wet one on your sweetie!
* Kissing takes the temperature of your relationship. How so? Studies have found that kissing is one of the first activities to go when couples aren't getting along. But when the routine kisses are in place-the goodbye kiss in the morning, the welcome home kiss in the evening-all is probably very well with you.
* Why men peek more. Research reveals that 97% of women keep their eyes closed when kissing, compared with only 30% of men. Scientists theorize that closed eyes enable women to fantasize while still enjoying the moment. Men, however, who are more visually stimulated, find that keeping their eyes open heightens their desires.
* Recommended by dentists. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, you can literally kiss cavities good-bye! That's because kissing stimulates the flow of saliva in your mouth, and the minerals in saliva help repair early lesions in tooth enamel. Another reason smooching is good for your dental health: saliva not only washes away cavity-causing food particles, it lowers the level of acid in the mouth, which helps prevent plaque buildup.
* Kissing is addictive. It's a scientific fact that kissing signals our brains to produce oxytocin, a hormone that gives you that good-all-over feeling you experience when kissing. Researchers also say that biology causes one kiss to prompt another. That's because when we kiss, the insides of our mouths and edges of our lips produce a special chemical that shouts for more.
* Kissing is a great stressbuster. A passionate kiss relieves tension. When you neck with your sweetie, your breathing becomes deeper and your eyes close, too-which is also what you do when you relax.
* Kissing slows the aging process. Puckering up helps to tone your cheek and jaw muscles, so they're less likely to sag. An average kiss uses at least 12 muscles, while a passionate French kiss activates all 34 of your facial muscles.
* Making out is a great work out. A passionate kiss burns 6.4 calories per minute. This compares to 11.2 calories per minute you burn jogging on a treadmill. Plus, since kissing is exciting, you release adrenaline into the bloodstream and your heart pumps more blood around your body-making kissing a mini-cardiovascular workout.
* Why your kisses should last at least 6 seconds. Studies show that's how long it takes to establish an emotional link. Lingering in a lip-lock really gives the kiss a chance to sink in, making you feel loved and connected.
* Why you should kiss in front of your kids. Displays of affection in front of your kids are important. In fact, studies show that kids who see their parents hug and kiss often when growing up turn out to be good and loving parents themselves.
* Men get more excited. Studies show that during a passionate kiss, a man's pulse soars to 110, while a woman's increases to only 108, suggesting that men get more excited about kissing than women do. (Normal resting pulse is about 72.)
* Little kisses, big benefits. A small peck in the morning really packs a punch, researchers say. One German study found that those who kiss their spouses each morning miss less work because of illness than those who do not. Those who kiss also have fewer auto accidents on the way to work, earn 20-30% more monthly and live approximately five years longer.
* Kissing trivia. In a recent poll, movie-goers were asked to pick the hottest on-screen kiss ever. Their top choice? Sexy smooches between Clark Gable and Vivian Leigh in "Gone With the Wind." And while most of us would agree that kisses are priceless, a lipstick imprint of a kiss made by Mick Jagger's mouth once sold for $1,600.Todd_R_Reed
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